72 m from hotel
Antuna Mihanovića 3g
A guide to great places near Studio Đurđan
72 m from hotel
Antuna Mihanovića 3g
Renovated pools, incl. a water slide, a wave pool and a 36C hot outdoor pool that is open during winter. Have lunch in the convenient and affordable restaurant without taking off your swim suit.
274 m from hotel
The creative cuisine is best portrayed by meals such as verrines from Zagorje, terrines with chicken, remoulade sauce with horse radish. More info
294 m from hotel
Mirna ulica 1
444 m from hotel
Zagrebačka cesta 1
U must try the "zagorske štrukle" from the oven. Awesome!
3.4 km from hotel
Škarićevo 151
4.6 km from hotel
Ljudevita Gaja 4
Rooms are great, food is really good and plentiful, wellness is quite nice, stuff is very helpful.
4.7 km from hotel
Ljudevita Gaja 4
4.7 km from hotel
Ljudevita Gaja 4
4.7 km from hotel
Ljudevita Gaja 4
Za sada ujutro jako lijepo, ljudi dolaze, ali ima ležaljki dovoljno.
4.7 km from hotel
Ljudevita Gaja 4
4.8 km from hotel
Pridruži se Rog-Joma izazovu na, prijavljuj se na lokacije i osvoji super nagrade!
8.6 km from hotel